RPI EIR Positioning 

After graduation, I was given the unique opportunity to continue my efforts towards development of the provisional patent towards a potential business model. Provided a budget for living and travel by RPI, I was given endorsed dedication towards a licensed startup.


Manufacturing, IP, customer discovery interviews and discussions with learned experts in the medical industry. Product development, deadlines, equity discussions, team and design choices; every aspect of one's propensity to self-motivate towards a cause was tested during the 6 months after graduation towards the NIH grant for an SBIR. 


A tremendous amount of experience was fast-tracked, and counting the minutes spent in dollars was an experience I can recommend most try at least once. I fully intend to once more when the time is right. While the grant was never provided, the journey was invaluable.


More details on my EIR experience will be written in my Substack under Writings. 

RPI EIR Positioning 

After graduation, I was given the unique opportunity to continue my efforts towards development of the provisional patent towards a potential business model. Provided a budget for living and travel by RPI, I was given endorsed dedication towards a licensed startup.


Manufacturing, IP, customer discovery interviews and discussions with learned experts in the medical industry. Product development, deadlines, equity discussions, team and design choices; every aspect of one's propensity to self-motivate towards a cause was tested during the 6 months after graduation towards the NIH grant for an SBIR. 


A tremendous amount of experience was fast-tracked, and counting the minutes spent in dollars was an experience I can recommend most try at least once. I fully intend to once more when the time is right. While the grant was never provided, the journey was invaluable.


More details on my EIR experience will be written in my Substack under Writings. 

Demo Day

Directed by the amazing Brett Orzechowski, I, among 12 of my MBA life science peers, had the priviledge of presenting the year-long effort of project development and results of customer discovery surrounding our team projects. As the only undergraduate on stage, I stood out as a unique case of early entrepreneurial spirit, as Prof Orzechowski put it!


In a room of true investors, from former Apple execs and successful life science businessmen to active and knowledgable doctors and industry experts, we were given the novel opportunity as graduates to make our case for seed investment and partner formation. 

Demo Day

Directed by the amazing Brett Orzechowski, I, among 12 of my MBA life science peers, had the priviledge of presenting the year-long effort of project development and results of customer discovery surrounding our team projects. As the only undergraduate on stage, I stood out as a unique case of early entrepreneurial spirit, as Prof Orzechowski put it!


In a room of true investors, from former Apple execs and successful life science businessmen to active and knowledgable doctors and industry experts, we were given the novel opportunity as graduates to make our case for seed investment and partner formation. 

Best Design Senior Capstone Project Award

Capping off the senior year, our Medtronic/Coulter project-turned senior capstone project awarded us Best Overall, provided by the department head himself Dr. Jurgen Han for our exemplary presentation and project design. 


My teammates all worked dilligently on the various aspects of the project and I would work with them all again in a heartbeat!

Over the 3 highly intensive work days, consulted and guided by industry experts and leaders such as () and with assistive oversight from Dr. Hisham Mohamed, we achieved the Best Design for Atrial Fibrillation award for our product. 


A preview into the inner workings of a leading medical device company such as Metronic and their expectations shed important insight on the Medical Devices Industry as a whole. Meeting the likes of () was an accomplisment on its own, and the type of comeraderie formed under high work loads was an unforgetable experience I have yearned for since.


Learn more about the Coulter Program here.

AΣΦ Work Week

In an interesting turn of events, I ended up what is called in the fraternity the Head House Manager, which has the expressed expectation to lead an event called Work Week. During these 10 days before school begins, we decide upon which aspects of our physical 4 story house we would like to improve, add or remove.


With a dedicated budget and a hard deadline, I lead a group of 20 individuals to renovate flooring, repaint, tear down and rebuild a bedroom, and put our house 10 years in arears with fire code safety up to speed, effectively saving our house from disbandment and increasing revenue through more valuable floorspaces. It was one of my most impactful learning lessons, understanding what it takes to lead medium-sized teams with limited finances, no oversight, and a high variance in motivation levels from workers. While stressful, it showcased to myself what I could do under pressure and with little prior knowledge. After all, I didn't even know what was behind your average sheetrock wall or flooring or the nuances of electric work and house design before then!

Best Design Senior Capstone Project Award

Capping off the senior year, our Medtronic/Coulter project-turned senior capstone project awarded us Best Overall, provided by the department head himself Dr. Jurgen Han for our exemplary presentation and project design. 


My teammates all worked dilligently on the various aspects of the project and I would work with them all again in a heartbeat!

Over the 3 highly intensive work days, consulted and guided by industry experts and leaders such as () and with assistive oversight from Dr. Hisham Mohamed, we achieved the Best Design for Atrial Fibrillation award for our product. 


A preview into the inner workings of a leading medical device company such as Metronic and their expectations shed important insight on the Medical Devices Industry as a whole. Meeting the likes of () was an accomplisment on its own, and the type of comeraderie formed under high work loads was an unforgetable experience I have yearned for since.


Learn more about the Coulter Program here.

RPI BME DEBUT Team Tradition

I had high hopes for RPI's biomedical engineering society club, and before I became president, used that energy to form the currently and foreseeably enduring BMES Engineering Team. They anually gather under one team lead and, with RPI budgeting, would create a completed project submission for the National Institute of Health's Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) competion.


Under my lead, we created RPI's second ever submission and have since carried on the tradition after my presidency. They have even begun to create a greater number of teams to self-compete, allowing even freshmen the opportunity to hone their engineering skills early and with intensity.

AΣΦ Work Week

In an interesting turn of events, I ended up what is called in the fraternity the Head House Manager, which has the expressed expectation to lead an event called Work Week. During these 10 days before school begins, we decide upon which aspects of our physical 4 story house we would like to improve, add or remove.


With a dedicated budget and a hard deadline, I lead a group of 20 individuals to renovate flooring, repaint, tear down and rebuild a bedroom, and put our house 10 years in arears with fire code safety up to speed, effectively saving our house from disbandment and increasing revenue through more valuable floorspaces. It was one of my most impactful learning lessons, understanding what it takes to lead medium-sized teams with limited finances, no oversight, and a high variance in motivation levels from workers. While stressful, it showcased to myself what I could do under pressure and with little prior knowledge. After all, I didn't even know what was behind your average sheetrock wall or flooring or the nuances of electric work and house design before then!